How to calm stress? 7 infallible techniques!

comment calmer le stress

Whether in our professional or even relational life, we are surrounded by restlessness, pressure, and anxieties and this can affect our health. Lhen the body feels a pressure unknown to it, it defends itself by drawing on its energy. The problem is that by dint of using the reserves it has, it is exhausted and this affects your general health causing certain pathologies.

So how do you relieve stress? 7 infallible techniques!! 

 N°1: Repair your body by sleeping well at night

When our body feels there is a unusual feeling of anxiety, he gathers his best weapons to counterattack. It will therefore releaseadrénaline by accelerating the cardiac frequency, blood pressure as well as the body temperature

This is the reason why most people who are stressed (at a low level) are victims of sleep disorders. The body is in permanent action and the dose of adrenaline is so strong that it bringsEnergy instead of promoting calm to sleep. 

What is paradoxical is that sleep deprivation promotes anxiety. This is what wanted to prove an American study researchers at UC Berkeley's Sleep and Neural Imaging Laboratory. 

After studying the brain reactions of 18 adults, it turned out that lack of sleep “significantly amplified anticipatory activity in the amygdala, a part of the brain associated with responding to negative and unpleasant experiences".

Sleeping well is therefore essential for fix your body during your sleep. In addition, it helps not to multiply the effects of stress which, ultimately, can become a vicious circle. 

No. 2: How to calm stress? Do some physical activity!

young woman doing physical activity by the sea

For fight stress, it is well known that sport helps to relax the mind and reduce the tensions present in our body.

This is due to the various hormones of which our body is composed, and in particular to the galanin. This is a peptide responsible for most of our moods and which modulates both the stress, trough, crises and mood in general. The higher its rate, the more the body will be relaxed.

According to a study published in the Journal of Neuroscience (1), it turns out that the practice of sport aims to increase galanin levels and therefore confers resilience to stress. 

Moreover, during sports practice, there are a whole lot offeel-good hormones which are released by our body such as endorphins, Dopamine or even the serotonin. If you want to know how to calm stress, sport helps to completely relax the body and release anxieties. 

Even a small 10 minute walk a day helps occupy the mind and relax the body. You will sleep much better because activity stimulates the quality of sleep! 

No. 3: Relax

Even if the stress is not necessarily only in the head, you ease the mind will help you free yourself from a lot of tension.

For that, nothing better than relaxation! Professional massage chair, massage heated seat, vibrating massage device, there are several ways to escape for a few minutes and forget all the anxieties.

Woman enjoys a moment of relaxation in an anti-stress massage chair

It is a moment of well-being that allows relax both mind and body thanks to massage techniques high performance :

  • Kneading
  • Vibration / Heating
  • tapping
  • Acupuncture
  • Shiatsu
  • Treading

    If you want to know how to eliminate stress, these methods will free you from all the stress. weight that has accumulated in your body. They act in depth to directly affect the muscle knots

    And it can even be extended to your mind. At the house of Bodyfriend, we have added to our high-end armchairs a system of mental relaxation. It penetrates to the depths of your being to immerse you in a calm and relieved state of mind. Between meditation and relaxation, you will discover what it is like to float on a cloud! 

    N°4: To know how to calm stress, you have to laugh! 

    woman bursts out laughing

    I imagine you've found yourself thinking “It's good to laugh!”. Well it's not for nothing. Laughing provides a real feel-good effect throughout the body. This is because a fairly high rate ofendorphin is released at the moment of laughter and the cortisol levels (which is responsible for stress) decreases. 

    Even though smiling won't 100% help you get rid of strong anxiety, it is still a good method to find out how reduce stress. Here again, the pleasure hormones diffuse in your body, so it brings you positive emotions!

    Moreover, you should know that the laugh "would lower heart rate and reduce blood pressure within minutes”. Since these are the main effects caused by stress, you will be able to calm the tensions!

    #5: Focus on your breathing

    Stress greatly increases our nervous system, and therefore also the breathing. There are several exercises for this to calm your rhythm or at least to regulate it. 

    La cardiac coherence, multi-step breathing, belly breathing, it is a question of circulating theoxygen throughout your body. As a result, it is a real feeling of relief that invades you and which also regulates your heart rate. 

    How to fight stress ? Perform these breathing exercises accompanied by a soft music ! This helps you completely free your mind and relax your whole body. 

    N°6: To know how to calm stress, eat well!

    different healthy foods to eat well

    Have you ever had a belly lump when you are stressed? Or have no appetite at all? It is because there is a "gut-brain" axis.

    If our belly is called our “second brain”, this is because the gut has thousands of neurons. This is why a stomach ache can literally impact all of your physical and mental abilities. What it transmits to the brain therefore has effects on the regulation of our emotions

    Depending on the foods you eat, so you will more or less increase your dose of stress. The industrial greases, carbohydrates and sucre are bad for the body. It is therefore best to avoid them if you want to know how to calm stress. Promote a healthy and light food ! The Potassium for example (contained in banana) helps regulate blood pressure.

    #7: Take breaks from electronic devices

    Stressed man works in front of a screen

    We will not teach you anything by telling you that the excessive use of electronic devices such as computers, laptops or televisions increased your sensitivity to stress.

    It is above all because it involves sleeping troubles. The light caused by the screens tells your body that it's daytime. The latter therefore puts all his capacities on the alert in order to bringEnergy necessary for your being to perform throughout the day (body temperature, cognitive performance, etc.). 

    In short, the secretion of melatonin (which is the sleep hormone) is very low, which gives rise to difficulty in falling asleep. As we saw at the beginning of the article, the lack of sleep dramatically increases anxiety in our body. 

    So, if you want to know how to overcome stress, let go of the screens, especially before sleeping! 

    From now on, you have all the solutions to know how to calm stress and better manage your emotions!



    (1) Chronic Environmental or Genetic Elevation of Galanin in Noradrenergic Neurons Confers Stress Resilience in Mice, Rachel P. Tillage, Genevieve E. Wilson, L. Cameron Liles, Philip V. Holmes and David Weinshenker, Journal of Neuroscience 23 September 2020, 40 (39) 7464-7474; DOI: