Are massage chairs good for the back?
Today, more and more people are turning to new relaxation techniques, such as the massage chair, to get rid of everyday tensions. We are currently living in difficult times and relaxation methods are becoming a number 1 priority for a large part of the population. But are they really beneficial for you? Is the chair good for the back?
In this article, we reveal all the benefits of a massage chair and the effects it can have on your body!
Is the massage chair good for the back?
Today and after the few months of confinement that we have suffered, many have considerably reduced their movements et daily exercises. THE teleworking has forced many people to remain in a position static for several hours (and more than when going to work). This has therefore made it possible to develop several forms of muscle problems throughout the body.
To remedy these unpleasant sensations, many have turned to the massage chair. But is it really beneficial for your body?
Composed of many rolls et massage balls, the chair provides deep penetration of the muscles of your of . This makes it possible to achieve intense to tensions accumulated and which must be eliminated. This method makes it possible to reproduce the exact gestures of a professional, as if you were in an institute!
We all know how much the effects of a massage on your body allow you to release tensions and get rid of muscle knots. So, based on this principle, why would a professional massage chair be bad for your back?
But we are not going to stop there and we are going to push the explanation by specifying it.
Improve blood circulation
When tensions accumulate, it creates nodes within your body. As a result, they can block the good circulation of your blood in the body and therefore, cause you to miss energy. The good ones nutrients cannot be properly transmitted to your muscles lower, middle and upper back.
By manipulating your muscles, the chair will improve your venous flow et lymphatic and therefore indirectly, the blood flow.
By unblocking the nodes, this will make it possible to make the blood circulation so that the legacy nutrients can be carried to your muscles and tissues.
Le lymphatic system allows the circulation of immune cells throughout your body. The lymph is the liquid that is transmitted. It contains of oxygen, protein as well as other good nutrients in order to feed the tissues.
Releasing tensions therefore also helps to fluidify the lymphatic circulation which will eliminate the toxins and bring lots of good nutrients to your body.
So is the massage chair good for the back? For this first point, we will say yes. It helps restore a good blood circulation while releasing the lymph to revitalize your body !
Eliminate muscle tension
Perhaps the most well-known cause of body pain requiring professional help is back pain classic. The muscle tension can very quickly accumulate during a intense stress or an static position too prolonged.
Thanks to its massage balls and rolls, the mechanism of the chair will make movements all along your spine. As explained before, this will allow loosen completely the muscle thanks to a method of deep relaxation.
So there is a physical appearance which is realized with the help of the mechanisms, but also a mental aspect with a deep relaxation which helps free the whole body of negative or unknown emotions that could force it to defend itself.
Thanks to a massage chair, you can therefore choose to relax a particular area or perform a wellness process on the entire back.
It reproduces in particular massage techniques Shiatsu who, like acupuncture, helps to distribute energy well so that it circulates throughout your body. As a result, this will help relax the muscles by releasing tension.
Release hormones for complete wellness
During a massage of the back, and of the body in general, your to be whole will feel completely at peace. As a result, your brain will release several types d'hormones to relax completely.
First, it will secrete endorphin. It is a hormone that is of capital importance in the nervous system since she is responsible for fun as a reward. Moreover, she has analgesic virtues Which make it possible to decrease the pain,improve respiratory rate and stress by promoting tranquility overall.
In addition, our brain will secrete Dopamine which is also called “the hormone of happiness”. It will therefore be a question of an immediate pleasure that your body will feel. This is what will help him completely release.
Finally, the serotonin will also be secreted by the brain. She is responsible for mood, sleep and anxiety. Thus, the more your body will feel positive waves, the more it will be in a good mood, and the more it will manage to be dénddu, thus eliminating any tension in the back. They make it possible to generate a total feeling of calm.
So, is the massage chair good for the back? We have seen here that the stimulation of feel-good hormones helps your back to cure more quickly and completely Nature.
Is the massage chair good for the back? Studies prove it!
As we have seen, the professional massage chair therefore helps to dissipate your back pain and it has many benefits for the whole body.
But many studies can also prove it. First, according to a first study (1), it turns out that the Shiatsu massage have more than beneficial effects for lower back pain. After two days, these pains decreased significantly for almost 66 people
Urban artist a study (2) was carried out by the Health Research Institute Group thus proving the usefulness of massage therapy for back pain. Sure 342 patients suffering from chronic low back pain, most experienced significant improvements (fromat least 30%) through deep relaxation.
a final study (3) proved the positive effects massages for chronic low back pain on 400 people aged 20 to 65. The massages made it possible to reduce the pain and, even for some, to make it disappear.
Of course, the massage chair is not a healer miracle of physical injuries. It helps to improve and dispel back pain, but when it comes to a tmore severe pathological ruble, it is generally recommended to consult a specialist.
Is the massage chair good for the back? Yes, and not only!
Of course, the use of a professional massage chair must also be accompanied by an awareness daily. For your well-being, it is important to make time for Stretching, to adopt a always upright posture, and to be in movement as soon as you can.
In addition, you can ensure that your moments of rest are the most repairers for your body. For this, we advise you to invest in furniture such as a mattress or a couch comfortable fit that's good for your back.
Similarly, when your professional life requires you to have a sitting too long, the best is to adopt a good posture of the basin which will be more than beneficial for your spine.
Your body deserves maximum comfort to relax, but it is also by improving its daily habits that one manages not to accumulate too large a dose of tension.
So, is the massage chair good for the back? Yes, and for these reasons:
If you still have questions about the massage chair, the best is to try it !
With Bodyfriend, take a few minutes to live a unique experience and forget everything around you.
(1) Brady LH, Henry K, Luth JF 2nd, Casper-Bruett KK. The effects of shiatsu on lower back pain. J Holist Nurs. 2001 Mar;19(1):57-70. doi:10.1177/089801010101900106. PMID: 11847714.
(2) Cherkin DC, Sherman KJ, Balderson BH, et al. Effect of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction vs Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or Usual Care on Back Pain and Functional Limitations in Adults With Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2016;315(12):1240–1249. doi:10.1001/jama.2016.2323
(3) Daniel C. Cherkin, Karen J. Sherman, Janet Kahn, et al. A Comparison of the Effects of 2 Types of Massage and Usual Care on Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized, Controlled Trial. Ann Intern Med.2011;155:1-9. [Epub ahead of print 5 July 2011]. must:10.7326/0003-4819-155-1-201107050-00002